Q: What is?

A: Homestuck sequel. Hussie said Homestuck canon belongs to us now. Hence, this is my canon Homestuck sequel. Well, part 1 of it, anyway.

Q: Who are you?

A: I am Vivian, indie authoress extraordinaire. Nice to meet you.

Q: How does the story go?

A: Remember the ending of Homestuck? Everything in Paradox Space collapses into a big magic plot hole, and then as their reward for beating Sburb, the kids go to their new planet, Earth C, in their new universe. Then they go 5,000 years into the future, to inherit a world that is already messed up, having had no guidance.

My sequel differs beginning from this point onward. They don't go 5,000 years into the future. Why would they? No, they decide to stay with the Carapacian Mayor and the Postmistress to help nurture the explosively growing new society in its infancy instead of abandoning it.

Life continues as the fairytale of young gods and goddesses. The sleep of reason produces monsters, and there are dangers and problems to be faced from all sectors. The gods and goddesses are no different than ourselves. Everyone is simply trying their best to grow.

The story starts a few years after arrival on Earth C, on page 1 of Problem Soothe. We find Jane Crocker somewhere in her twenties, fucking around in her weird office while doing silly cosplay games.

Q: Anything else?

A: Well, to a limited extent, the kids and trolls can't leave well enough alone and, through a variety of means, start messing around in the murky plot void they left behind. Jane Crocker in particular has gotten a little bored with the endless summer vacation that life has become, and has started to explore the black hole on a quixotic mission, given to her by mysterious benefactors, to revive the dead. This unsurprisingly ends up having ramifications of all kinds, serious and silly.

Q: Why did you write this story?

A: Because I love Homestuck. Because I reread it and its themes are somehow more meaningful and resonant than ever before. Because I want to write the characters in a way that feels right to me, because I want to sculpt a new fate for them and their world. So many of Homestuck's plot threads severed cleanly. Can't the worthwhile ones can be picked up again and reattached? I figured I'd go ahead and do it.

Q: Who would want to read this?

A: People who love magical and scien-tastic adventure/romance stories that are silly, bombastic, fun, thoughtful, and wondrous, and cosmic in scale. There is a lot of dumb stuff, and there are metaphysical conflicts with consequences for all reality.

My ideal is that someone who read Homestuck and maybe wanted to read something fun, insane and messy in the MSPA tradition, but less openly misanthropic than the Epilogues and HS2, could pick this comic up right after to begin to dive into what happens on Earth C and everything that follows. I think I have answers to what the ends of a lot of those severed plot threads look like, and I have a vision for so much more.

I hope you will enjoy reading!

Q: If I've read this far into this interminable goshdarned FAQ, then I probably will!

A: You're darn right, person who talks kind of similar to Jane.

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