
ROXY: let me help u up there madame
ROXY: hup bup nice and ez :)
JANE: There we go... I think that, at least, the fulminating chaos around us is now an objective element of our physical environment, rather than an effect of me drinking alcohol and experiencing its powerful hallucinogenic properties.
ROXY: lol at the f'ing noob (NO OFFENTS love u 2 double deth girlie)
ROXY: alcohol isnt a hallucinogenic numnunts its a depressant
JANE: :?
ROXY: lets dodnt worry about it and say we did
JANE: I agree. Let us boldly proceed to dodn't what we really rather oughtn't. :B
ROXY: <3 <B
ROXY: ok janey lets have actual conversation now so whyd you drink the grog in the fort
ROXY: what were you lookin for in ur lil blotto bungalow that was so importent that you wound up here
JANE: Err...
