>Okay! It's finally time! Let's have our big discussion with Calliope, Jane!


Oh boy, you can't wait!

You pop open your phone and look at the splash page of your P-Chum app. The activity all over the stripped-down minimalist UI (which was clearly made by an accomplished graphic design professional), chronicles the story of your journey from shut-in wallflower to social media maven in the past few years by its buzz of activity. It is hard not to get a little distracted looking at it. What might your therapist be shrugging at? What could be causing dear old Karkat to be so pensive all of a sudden? You shudder to imagine--no, NO. Surely it couldn't be... fella problems, could it?! Maybe you'll reach out to him later, or to Dave if you don't want Karkat to be aware you're being nosy.

Ahhh! You suddenly course-correct yet again. Don't fall in the social sinkhole. Stick to the mission, Jane. Roxy told you that Callie has weird sads and you're going to get to the bottom of this upon your oath of honor as a PROBLEM SOOTHE, which is a thing that you actually took.

You are taking hella oaths these days.

>Get distracted again by some other bullshit and inadvertently make poor Calliope wait even longer.