Chapter 5:

Indispensable Yuuka


At the moment, the ailing pregnant heifer’s emotions are hard to describe. Even though we have so many analogues for animal feelings, words relating to emotion are born of experience and no one has quite experienced being a sickly cow verging on first motherhood, that fear for the self which paralyzes, and that fear for the baby which impels desperate action. So it was that the heifer tossed and turned upon its bed of hay. Her sole comfort came from the soothing voice speaking, the hand softly stroking its side, the gentle eyes of Kaori falling upon it with concern. These helped. But they did not remove the pain, and they did not banish the fear.

Kaori’s emotions at this moment are easy to describe. She is exhausted, anxious and miserable. Her composure and serenity in this moment are only apparent, not actual.

Enter Yuuka. “We just heard from back from the receptionist. They will be able to send someone to us by the end of the night.”

Kaori does not say, “What if one of our breeding cows dies and threatens the existence of our co-op?” or, “Who are they sending? Why can’t Ooyama-sensei come out himself? Couldn’t they at least tell us who they were sending? Who could they trust with something this important?” and she made sure not to say anything like, “How are we going to pay for any of this?”

She says, "Thank you Yuuka."

Thank you Yuuka. That's all that's needed. You did great. You're splendid. Your hard work is appreciated, as always.
