>Yazira: Get to the root.

The root of the problem here is really so simple it's ridiculous, you think. You simply didn't ENTRUST TO THE GODDESS. 

We will all face countless situations in our lives. Many of these will be quite pleasant, or at least pleasingly mundane. And some of these will be ordeals. We cannot disconnect ourselves from the cycles of existence, but we should not think of ourselves as alone and vulnerable to the vicissitudes of reality as we make our way through these cycles. The goddess will be close to us always, and she will always be finding ways to open up little corridors of destiny to lead us to better things in the midst of the mad scramble of causality and chaos.

And so this is what you do when life throws situations at you that make you feel uncertain. You dissolve your preconceptions and assumptions. Slough off your personal-doom-prophecies like a long-past-due snakeskin. And entrust.

>Yazira: Entrust to the goddess.